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​Thanks for stopping by. So here is a little about myself - I'll try to be brief...


How does one become a Voiceover Geek?

Well, I am and always have been a lover of media. From my earliest

days I knew I was a sucker for a good story whether it was told in

Film, Television, Radio or Print. I remember in 3rd grade telling a

schoolmate (fairly confidently) that I would be in commercials

someday. It seems there was hardly a moment when my eyes weren't

either glued to the TV, ear to the radio (AM and FM), or nose stuck in a

book. I would regularly find myself in trouble for prioritizing the 

consumption of these things over school, chores, etc. And let's not even

talk about video games. Needless to say I was hooked on escapism in all 

its forms and always had a feeling that one day I'd find a way to participate and add my voice to the choir.


When I started learning to play music (6th grade?) I realized I could write songs and carry a tune and since then, I don't think there was a time when I wasn't a part of some sort of musical project. I loved writing and recording, but most of all, performing in front of a crowd. Placing myself in front of the mic in that way along with a study of acting as part of my Film degree from Georgia State, I started to open my eyes to the possibility of a place in the world of Voiceover and my experiences with these things would fuel my curiosity and obsession for the craft. 


In 2014 I started interning and eventually working full-time for a great TV production company in Atlanta, School of Humans. I learned a ton about the business and met and worked with many wonderful and talented people. Parallel to this, I was cutting my teeth in Audiobook production, recording with Saturn Five Sound, Robert Bevan’s Caverns and Creatures series - an on-going Comedy/Fantasy collection of novels and short stories (enjoy at your own risk). People seemed to like it and I loved being behind the mic, telling the story and breathing life into the characters. When my son, Fletcher, was born in 2018, I took the opportunity to make a change in my life and, with the blessing of my brilliant and supportive wife, threw myself headlong into pursuing Voiceover in a full-time capacity.


​Now I'm working hard to build my VO career. I'm continuing to obsess over and study the craft and its many permutations, taking workshops, intensives, small groups, etc. and getting some great one-on-one coaching from Thessaly Lerner, a VO veteran whom I've been hugely fortunate to work with in my former day job in TV production. I'm still learning and growing and making the most of every opportunity and totally geeking out over all things Voiceover. And I don't expect this will ever stop. Mostly, I'm excited about the future.


​Well, that was mostly brief.


If you’d like to bring me on as part of a project you are working on, I’d love to submit an audition. If you are a fan of the work, thanks for the support! It wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding without you.


​The Best Always,



Jonathan Sleep, Voiceover Actor
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